By Teke Wiggin

As the housing recovery that began last year continues to gain steam into 2013, selling your home may become less of a headache.

But you can be sure of one thing: You’re always likely to make the process easier if you use smart marketing tactics.

Some of them are givens: De-clutter your home for open houses, enhance your landscaping, etc. But there are also some underutilized selling methods.

Culling tips from interviews with a variety of industry insiders, AOL Real Estate has compiled a list of some of the best of them. Click through our gallery to learn 13 ways to sell your home in 2013.

Don’t Hide a Foible, Flaunt It

Traditionally, sellers are told to play down any quirks to their homes. But that’s not always the right move: Foibles could possible suit the needs of some buyers.

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13 Ways to Sell Your Home in 2013